Congratulations to Dr. Yayun Du for defending her Ph.D. thesis!

Congratulations to Yayun for defending her Ph.D. thesis titled “Dynamic modeling of soft flagellar locomotion in viscous fluids and granular media” today! She is now officially the second Ph.D. graduate of Structures-Computer Interaction Lab. All the best in her future endeavors as she will continue her academic journey as a Postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University at the Rogers Research Group.

Yongkyu Lee
Prof. Jawed will be organizing a symposium in the 2022 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES)

This is a repost of Prof. Jawed’s LinkedIn post.

Link to the original post:

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a symposium (#3.3) on "Data-Driven Approaches for Complex Multiphysics Systems, Structures, and Materials" in the 2022 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES) to be held on the Texas A&M University Campus in College Station from October 16-19, 2022. In this symposium, we welcome applications of different types of data-driven approaches to solve real-world problems in order to trigger valuable discussions on this promising tool. At the same time, the greater scientific community has recognized that data-driven approaches are usually agnostic and prone to unphysical failure. Therefore, we particularly encourage investigations on this issue and attempts of combining data-driven approaches with physics-based theories. We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you at Texas A&M!

The deadline for abstract submission is May 16th, 2022.

Please submit your abstract at (please select Thematic Area 3, Symposium #3.3).

Best regards, Juner, Emma, Khalid, and Hongyi


Symposium Organizers:

Juner Zhu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Emma Lejeune, Boston University,

M. Khalid Jawed, University of California, Los Angeles,

Hongyi Xu, University of Connecticut,

Yongkyu Lee
Upcoming Presentations for APS March Meeting 2022

Five members of our lab (Dezhong, Yayun, Mrunmayi, Zhuonan and Sangmin) will proudly present their research accomplishments in the upcoming APS March Meeting 2022 (March 14–18, 2022; Chicago).

Dezhong will present his work (Abstract title: Robotic Folding of Sheets with a Mechanics-based Approach) in Session B09: Nonlinear Response of Complex Granular Materials II.


Yayun will present her work (Abstract title: A Modular Approach to Discrete Differential Geometry-based Simulation of Soft Robots) in Session K03: Robophysics I.


Mrunmayi will present her work (Abstract title: Soft Kirigami Composite that Deploys into Pre-programmed Shapes) in Session K21: Morphing Matter: From Soft Robotics to 4D Printing III.


Zhuonan (Abstract title: Bacteria-inspired Bi-flagellated Soft Robot with Bundling and Tumbling Behavior) and Sangmin (Abstract title: Resistive Force Theory vs. Slender Body Theory as Hydrodynamic Models in Simulation of Bacterial Flagella) will present their work in Session Z08: Fluid and Elasticity in Biomechanics.


Best of luck to all our presenters and safe travels!

Yongkyu Lee
Paper on Ballooning in Spiders Published in Physical Review E

Our paper with Prof. Charbel Habchi, on ballooning in spiders has been published in Physical Review E. This work has also been selected as the "Editor's Suggestion" by Physical Review and featured as a "Focus" story in the Physics magazine.

Link to the focus story:

Link to publication:

A video showcasing this work is available on YouTube:

Yongkyu Lee
Congratulations to Yayun for being selected as a "Rising Star" by MIT CEE

Congratulations to Yayun Du for being selected to participate in the MIT Civil and Environmental Engineering Rising Star Workshop ( This workshop invites 20 top early-career woman in CEE and related domains who are interested in careers in academia. The event brings together the next generation of CEE academic leaders for two days of scientific interactions and career-oriented discussions. Yayun’s talk at MIT was on “Simple untethered flagellated robot in fluids and granular media”.


Yongkyu Lee