Prof. Jawed will be organizing a symposium in the 2022 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES)

This is a repost of Prof. Jawed’s LinkedIn post.

Link to the original post:

Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing a symposium (#3.3) on "Data-Driven Approaches for Complex Multiphysics Systems, Structures, and Materials" in the 2022 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES) to be held on the Texas A&M University Campus in College Station from October 16-19, 2022. In this symposium, we welcome applications of different types of data-driven approaches to solve real-world problems in order to trigger valuable discussions on this promising tool. At the same time, the greater scientific community has recognized that data-driven approaches are usually agnostic and prone to unphysical failure. Therefore, we particularly encourage investigations on this issue and attempts of combining data-driven approaches with physics-based theories. We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you at Texas A&M!

The deadline for abstract submission is May 16th, 2022.

Please submit your abstract at (please select Thematic Area 3, Symposium #3.3).

Best regards, Juner, Emma, Khalid, and Hongyi


Symposium Organizers:

Juner Zhu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Emma Lejeune, Boston University,

M. Khalid Jawed, University of California, Los Angeles,

Hongyi Xu, University of Connecticut,

Yongkyu Lee