Upcoming Presentations for APS March Meeting 2022
Five members of our lab (Dezhong, Yayun, Mrunmayi, Zhuonan and Sangmin) will proudly present their research accomplishments in the upcoming APS March Meeting 2022 (March 14–18, 2022; Chicago).
Dezhong will present his work (Abstract title: Robotic Folding of Sheets with a Mechanics-based Approach) in Session B09: Nonlinear Response of Complex Granular Materials II.
Details: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR22/Session/B09.12
Yayun will present her work (Abstract title: A Modular Approach to Discrete Differential Geometry-based Simulation of Soft Robots) in Session K03: Robophysics I.
Details: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR22/Session/K03.5
Mrunmayi will present her work (Abstract title: Soft Kirigami Composite that Deploys into Pre-programmed Shapes) in Session K21: Morphing Matter: From Soft Robotics to 4D Printing III.
Details: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR22/Session/K21.12
Zhuonan (Abstract title: Bacteria-inspired Bi-flagellated Soft Robot with Bundling and Tumbling Behavior) and Sangmin (Abstract title: Resistive Force Theory vs. Slender Body Theory as Hydrodynamic Models in Simulation of Bacterial Flagella) will present their work in Session Z08: Fluid and Elasticity in Biomechanics.
Details: https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR22/Session/Z08.11
Best of luck to all our presenters and safe travels!