Paper on “Bacteria-inspired Robotic Propulsion from Bundling of Soft Helical Filaments at Low Reynolds Number” was published in the journal Soft Matter.
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Paper on “Bacteria-inspired Robotic Propulsion from Bundling of Soft Helical Filaments at Low Reynolds Number” was published in the journal Soft Matter.
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Our paper on "Sunlight-Powered Self-Excited Oscillators for Sustainable Autonomous Soft Robotics" was published in Science Robotics.
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Our paper on "Agronav: Autonomous Navigation Framework for Agricultural Robots and Vehicles using Semantic Segmentation and Semantic Line Detection" was featured by 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW).
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Our paper on "Robotic Painting: Mimicking Human Applicators" was featured by Journal of Coatings Technology and Research.
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Our paper on "Fabrication, Control, and Modeling of Robots Inspired by Flagella and Cilia" was featured by Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.
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Our paper on "Cellulose Nanofibers as Scaffold-forming Materials for Thin Film Drug Delivery Systems" was featured by International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
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Our paper on "Supracellular Quantification of Spatially Varying Mechanical Heterogeneities in Live Cell Monolayers" was featured by Biophysical Journal.
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Our paper on "Design and Closed Loop Motion Planning of an Untethered Swimming Soft Robot using 2D Discrete Elastic Rods Simulations" was featured by Advanced Intelligent Systems.
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Our paper on "Modeling the Locomotion of Articulated Soft Robots in Granular Medium" has been accepted for publication at ICRA 2023.
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Our work on "Deep Learning of Force Manifolds from the Simulated Physics of Robotic Paper Folding" was featured by TechXplore.
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Our work titled “Snap Buckling in Overhand Knots” has been published in the Journal of Applied Mechanics.
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Our work titled “Highly Dynamic Bistable Soft Actuator for Reconfigurable Multimodal Soft Robots” has been published in Advanced Materials Technologies.
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Our work titled “Editorial: Materials, design, modeling and control of soft robotic artificial muscles” has been published in Frontiers in Robotics and AI.
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Congratulations to Yongkyu Lee for now becoming a Ph.D. candidate upon successfully defending his doctoral qualifying exam.
Congratulations to Shivam Kumar Panda for now becoming a Ph.D. candidate upon successfully defending his doctoral qualifying exam.
Congratulations to Zhuonan Hao for now becoming a Ph.D. candidate upon successfully defending his doctoral qualifying exam.
Our paper on Rapidly encoding generalizable dynamics in a Euclidean symmetric neural network has been published in Extreme Mechanics Letters.
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Our work titled “A fully implicit method for robust frictional contact handling in elastic rods” has been published in Extreme Mechanics Letters.
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Our work titled “Supracellular measurement of spatially varying mechanical heterogeneities in live monolayers” has been published in Biophysical Journal.
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Our work titled “Systematic Variation of Friction of Rods” has been published in the Journal of Applied Mechanics.
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