Soft Robot Solver Project

MaL PhySiCS: Machine-Learning Assisted Physics-based Simulation and Control of Soft Robots


Rod Simulation

We use the Discrete Elastic Rods [original paper Bergou et al., book brief] method - a cutting edge computational tool developed by the computer graphics community for visually dramatic simulation of hair and fur in movies.

Source Code

The book brief contains a number of pedagogical examples. Our Github repository contains C++ implementation of their solution:


Shell Simulation

We use the Discrete Shells [original paper by Grinspun et al.] method for simulation of flexible plates and shells.

Source Code

The source code for Discrete Shells algorithm is available on Github:

This is a work in progress. The repository is maintained by Jingyu Chen, a graduate student in our lab.

Soft Robot Simulation

Our recent work includes simulation of soft robots. See the above video for comparison between simulations and experiments. The experiments were performed at Soft Machines Lab (Carnegie Mellon University).

Source Code

We have not yet released the source code for soft robot simulation. However, we plan to make the solver open-source soon.


Fluid-Structure Interaction

Our recent work includes simulation of bacteria and bio-inspired robots. We demonstrate how buckling in bacterial tails can be used to change the swimming direction.

Source Code

We have not yet released the source code for simulation of fluid-structure interaction and bio-inspired robots. However, we plan to make the solver open-source soon.