MAE 156A - Advanced Strength of Materials
Instructor: Prof. M. Khalid Jawed, TA: Mrunmayi Mungekar
Spring 2022
University of California, Los Angeles
Archived: Winter 2021, Spring 2021
Module 1
Module 2
Recitation 1
Module 3
Module 4
Recitation 2
Module 5
Recitation 3
Module 6
Module 7
Recitation 4
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Recitation 5
Module 11
Recitation 6
Module 12
Module 13
Recitation 7
Module 14
Recitation 8
Module 15
Module 16
Module 17
Recitation 9
Module 18
Module 19
Module 19
The following videos were recorded in Spring 2021. These videos will be updated as we move along in the current quarter.