MAE 156A - Advanced Strength of Materials

Instructor: Prof. M. Khalid Jawed, TA: Mrunmayi Mungekar

Spring 2022

University of California, Los Angeles

Archived: Winter 2021, Spring 2021


Module 1


Module 2


Recitation 1


Module 3


Module 4


Recitation 2


Module 5


Recitation 3


Module 6


Module 7


Recitation 4


Module 8


Module 9


Module 10


Recitation 5


Module 11


Recitation 6


Module 12


Module 13


Recitation 7


Module 14


Recitation 8


Module 15


Module 16


Module 17


Recitation 9


Module 18


Module 19



Module 19


Video Block
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The following videos were recorded in Spring 2021. These videos will be updated as we move along in the current quarter.


Recitation 10